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Youth Energy Academy (YEA)

The YEA empowers and inspires people to take a leading role in the energy transition.

Equip young people with the hard and soft skills and tools to design, implement and build small-scale sustainable energy projects. Foster leadership, entrepreneurship and a “can-do” attitude, by encouraging young people to develop and apply skills in developing projects in their communities.

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The Youth Energy Academy (YEA) is an intensive learning experience with a program designed to guide youths from diverse backgrounds towards developing a wholesome understanding about the role of renewable energy applications for sustainable development in communities. The program provides youths with actionable knowledge and skills to become agents of change in the transition to a renewable energy future.

The YEA program blends SEYN’s Energy Academies and Energy Mastercourses to combine theory-based and hands-on sessions. The YEA model uses collaborative or do-it-together (DiT) approaches to focus on distributed, community-oriented solutions, harnessing young people’s creativity and fearlessness to drive inspired action.

Since 2019, SEYN has conducted several iterations of the YEA in close collaboration with partners, targeting young adults (mostly in their twenties) who are passionate about sustainability, renewable energy, community development, entrepreneurship, and climate action, and related subjects. A collaborative and youth-driven effort itself, YEA has engaged an international and diverse group of young people overcoming differences of training backgrounds, experience-levels, gender identity, among others to build a network of ambassadors for sustainable energy for communities.

The YEA Objectives

YEA’s Theory of Change

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Participants so far



From the countries

Past Editions of YEA



Youth Energy Academy




Virtual Youth Energy Academy

Participants from South & Southeast Asia



Virtual Youth Energy Academy

Participants from Southeast Asia



Youth Energy Academy


Youth Energy Academy 2019

Virtual Youth Energy Academy 2021

Youth Energy Academy 2022


YEA in Asia

SEYN has partnered with the Regional Project Energy Security and Climate Change Asia-Pacific of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS-RECAP), which has sponsored YEA editions in Asia since 2019, and the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT-RRCAP), our main implementation partner.
SEYN is always open to new partnerships and collaborations to implement the Youth Energy Academy in Asia and in other locations around the globe.

YEA Approach

The YEA follows a practical approach that blends theory sessions with hands-on, experiential workshops to foster participants’ creativity, problem-solving skills, a sense of empowerment and ownership. Over 8 modules, participants collaboratively explore solutions to current energy challenges, learn from case studies, field visits and inspiring stories by other youth, build their own simple solar energy applications, while designing actionable project ideas.

YEA Structure

Delivered over 7 days, the learning experience starts before the actual Academy, during the online pre-YEA work, where participants are tasked to (re)conceptualize and reframe their problems and project ideas through the use of design thinking exercises and tools. It carries on after the YEA finishes where selected winning teams get online mentoring sessions with relevant experts to support project implementation.

7 Theory Modules

Energy Trilemma

DRE Solutions

People Power

DRE on the Ground

Resource Mobilization

Social Business

Idea to Action

+ 1 Practical Module

Do It Together